Information about an appointment with joy

My life mission is to help people run their life’s race unencumbered. Sometimes I come alongside them as a mentor: teaching, modeling, training, and providing resources. A mentor, generally speaking, provides input. Sometimes I am a coach, drawing out what is inside people. I ask questions, listen, and partner with them to get clarity, identify their goals, take action, and fulfill their potential. Simply put, mentors pour in; coaches draw out. I can function in either or both roles during our conversations, depending on what you request. I see mentoring and coaching, as well as other processes such as consulting and counseling, as tools to fulfill Jesus’ overarching commission to develop disciples.

I take clients generally by referral and as my schedule allows. If you and I have already discussed beginning a coaching relationship, you may purchase sessions here. Thank you so much, Joy Schroeder

Coaching Session(s) Payment

To pay for your coaching session(s), please fill out the form below and follow the instructions on the following screen, or send a check payable to Father Heart Ministries to:

Father Heart Ministries
211 Stephanie Lane
Bozeman, MT 59718




“Thank you for your investment of time, love, and prayer into my life…. I am walking lighter and seeing clearer than I have in awhile. I’m pretty sure I would have stayed stuck without your help and your insistent questions.” M.D.

“I want to thank you for the gift of wisdom, care, and love you’ve been to me in our life coaching sessions. The Holy Spirit always moves during our meetings.” S.D.

“I remember [our sessions] being a lot of hard work, and I remember how much I gained. I am utilizing those tools that I learned, that you coached me in, during this season of … potential stress…and God is sustaining me in a way I couldn’t have thought imaginable. I am able to capture thinking that is rooted in falsity and stand in the truth…. I am wiser and more equipped. And my priorities are clear. These coaching sessions are priceless. You always believed in me. And you coached me to find what I believed.” M.G.

“The amount of clarity and the mobilization toward action that I received from each coaching session gave definition to the ideas, thoughts and issues brewing in my head.  I found myself taking a concern, idea, or new enterprise and writing it down in my notebook for my next coaching session.  No longer was it mine to figure out by myself, I had a  coach who could facilitate the thinking process with exceptional questions that would pull out of me the things I knew that I didn’t know I knew. Joy has a deep desire to see the Kingdom of God advanced through you.”  J.W.

“Joy's coaching has been such a gift in this season. Our coaching appointments have been welcomed respites: conversations that help focus me on mission above the busyness. Her questions help me think through potential outcomes and scenarios. I can honestly say that our local ministries are stronger and healthier because of Joy's coaching.” G.W.